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Sports and CAS Hours

By Emilio Garcia – Class of 2023



Attention all IB Juniors and Seniors! It’s the beginning of a brand-new year, and with that comes the beginning of Fall Sports at Reef.


Some of Reef’s most popular sports teams take the field (or court) around this time of year, such as football and volleyball. Coincidentally, this time of year is also when IB Juniors begin taking part in the CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) program as part of their IB curriculum. These two seasons go hand in hand, as some may not know that Fall Sports provide a good source for CAS hours.


Despite not being the typically expected form of community service, IB accepts up to thirty CAS hours for student athletes in season. While this can also apply to sports outside of school, it is very convenient for Reef IB student athletes to make the most of their activities and receive CAS hours for playing the sport they love.


Good luck, and don’t forget to submit your CAS!




IB Teacher Spotlight

By Emilio Garcia - Class of 2023



Being an IB teacher is certainly no easy task, and managing to be a successful instructor while also earning the respect and admiration of your students is commendable. This is the case of the IB program’s Ms. Barkow, a teacher who like few others has become a favorite among both her students and her peers, all the while without departing from her role as a teacher. This interview provides a unique insight into Ms. Barkow’s perspective on both her role as a teacher and her thoughts on the IB program.


What subject do you teach and why are you passionate about it?

I teach HL and SL IB Chemistry. I am actually passionate about all subjects, especially science. However, Chemistry just makes so much sense and is integral in every aspect of life. It is exciting to see how chemistry helps to connect all the other sciences!


What inspired you to become an IB teacher?

I have to be honest and say that I was inspired to be a teacher, not specifically an IB teacher. I think it might be more correct to say that IB found me. But once I started teaching IB, I was hooked. IB's focus on cultivating habits of making global connections, being international minded, being critical thinkers and problem solvers are traits that resonate with me.


What is your favorite part of being an IB teacher?

The short answer is - the students!! They are so special in their desire to succeed and learn. Their curiosity and dedication is inspiring. They will be the movers and shakers of the world.


How does being an IB teacher challenge you to elevate your style of teaching?

IB students are curious and seek to learn. This propels me to stay current and up to date, and to find strategies that help make Chemistry (which can be challenging to some students) more relevant in their lives.


How do you feel that the IB program uniquely prepares students for real world challenges?

As mentioned before, IB promotes and sets forth 10 attributes that help students become true global citizens. These are the themes that are interwoven through every subject area. Every teacher in IB strives to ensure that at the end of their IB journey, students are open-minded, knowledgeable, and balanced thinkers who are problem solvers. As these attributes are a part of every IB subject, they are reinforced continually, allowing students to become true global citizens.


What advice do you have for any aspiring IB students?

This is a program that will challenge you, but will also reward you. You will learn a lot in the company of like-minded students. In my opinion, it is the most complete and well-rounded program there is. I hope you chose IB to finish your high schooling. Please don't think that you have to be brilliant to be an IB student. You just have to have a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to your education.




Returning to School Safely

By Emilio Garcia 



Coral Reef reopened their doors and started the new school year offering students the option to return to school and attend classes in person. There are several precautions in place to make the return to school as safe as possible, such as mandatory masks, social distancing, one-way halls, hand sanitizers, etc. Classes are still being held online, thanks to our dedicated teachers who are working hard to teach students both in class and online. To change your enrollment either to in person or to MSO, the parent should fill out the Parent Request to Change Student’s Instructional Model for Stage 2 and email it to


Life at Coral Reef is slowly returning to normal, as other school activities such as clubs and sports are being adapted to our current situation. Club activities have changed to online Zoom meetings, and sports are back and are taking all necessary steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 such temperature control and games without fans.


The IB family thanks you, students and families for working with us, so together we can combat the COVID-19 virus and do our part to stop the spread.



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